
2004 L.A. Light-Motion-Dreams

An original look at the strange relation between L.A. and nature. A temporary test exhibition to see how the public reacts before the entire transformation of the Natural History Museum. After two years dashing backwards and forwards from France to L.A., François and his accomplices, Les Crayons, conjured up a subjective portrait of the incredible L.A. as a city and its relations with the natural environment, omnipresent in the ocean, the hills, the mountains and even animals - like coyotes, the secret explorers of Hollywood's luxury villas by night, drinking from swimming pools at night and tucking into unwary cats…The exhibition rests on the Museum's collections and intergrate, as for a " Collapse? "a museographical approach
Maîtrise d'œuvre
Peter Gale, consultant Peter Kirby, réalisation audio-visuelle T.B.Y et M2C1 Montréal, réalisation de la scénographie, Les crayons, conception de la scénographie
Exposition temporaire, conception de la Muséographie et de la Scénographie
900 m2
1,8 million $US
Lieu (ville et pays)
Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, Los Angeles, USA